Rhythm-home-renovations-design-calgaryPart of a home renovation entails thinking about how you want to revamp your interiors. Getting acquainted with the basic principles of interior design, enable you to don your own designer cap and envision the space you’d like to create and live in. We’ve covered balance and harmony so far, and this month we are going to discuss the concept of rhythm. Rhythm in interior design denotes creating visual interest throughout your space by repeating and contrasting visual patterns. Like rhythm in music, rhythm in design brings a sense of movement to a space. It carries the eye along a path at a pace that is comfortable for the viewer.

In order to achieve rhythm in your own home’s design, you’ll have to think about repetition, progression, transition and contrast. Incorporating these mechanisms into your interior, you’ll be able to create a sense of movement, leading the eye from one design element to the next within your home.


Repetition is one of the easiest ways to create a sense of rhythm in a space. Simply put, it is using the same element more than once throughout an interior. You can repeat patterns, colors, textures, lines or any other element within a space.

Tip:  Create rhythm by using a color throughout with pillows, paintings, rugs and accessories.


Progression is taking an element and decreasing or increasing one of its qualities. For example, using a gradation of colors or using a series of objects that go from small to large in a gradual manner.

Tip:  A group of candles with varying heights is an easy way to create rhythm through progression.


Contrast uses two elements in opposition to each other and alternates these in a pattern that creates a sense of rhythm. You can create contrast with patterns (light and dark) and with shapes (circles and squares). A common example is alternating black and white pillows on a sofa.

Tip: Use opposite elements such as black and white pillows to create a rhythm.


Rhythm through transition gently leads the eye through a continuous, uninterrupted flow from one area within a space to another. For example, curved lines are generally used to lead the eye along a desired path.

Tip: Use an arched doorway or winding path to lead the eye where you would like it go.